30立方液化气储罐,50立方液化气储罐,100立方液化气储罐 菏泽锅炉厂,菏泽锅炉厂有限公司-山东菏泽锅炉厂有限公司·LPG橇装加气站是公司依照有关标准,将LPG汽车加气站运行的单一 器件(如储罐、泵、阀门、管道等)集成于金属橇体之上而形成的一 个完整的小型加注站成套设备。 Skid-mounted LPG stations is constructed according to relevant standards. Integrate single device (such as tanks, pumps, valves, piping, etc.) to the metal skid body and formed a complete small LPG stations. 本设备具有造价低、占地少、操作简便、移动灵活、建设周期短 等诸多优点。经过用户使用和不断改进,本设备无论是工艺还是结构 都已非常成熟和完善。 The device’s cost is low, footprint is small,and it”s easy to operate, mobile flexibly, construction period is short, and many other advantages. After user’s usage and continuous improvement, the processes and structure are very mature and perfect. ·橇装加气站主要依据标准为《GB50156汽车加油加气站设计与施工 规范》,其要求严格而广泛,能适应不同地区的使用条件。 Skid-mounted stations mainly based on standards "GB50156 vehicle refueling stations design and construction standards", which requires strict and extensive, and can adapt to use conditions of different regions. ·本设备的工作介质除LPG外,还可用于DME、氨水及醇类液体的充装 工作。因其他介质特性与LPG有所不同,订购时需事先说明,公司在 制作过程中将根据用户要求做适当调整. In addition to LPG, DME, ammonia and alcohol liquid also can be as working media.Features of LPG are different from other medias’, please tell us when order, we will adjust according to user requirements. ·因LPG储罐安装于地面之上,故此套设备称为地上式LPG撬装加气站。 Beacause LPG tank installed on the ground, so called this equipment ground-type skid mounted LPG filling stations. ·根据用户需求,对防晒罩棚及外框架进行外观设计并制作. The sun canopy and external framework can be designed and produced according to user’s requirements .